This past week was a slow week for me in the lab. Since the first samples that were created did not produce any metallic properties, I had to replicate the experiment with the exception of one chemical, Fe3Cl. From there, I had to put the solutions in HCl for a week in order to remove all the impurities and leaving only the metallic materials that were hopefully created. Tomorrow will be the day that I get to remove the HCl from the solutions and place a strong metal next to the solution to see if there were any metallic properties created with the chemicals that we used this time. As I have been waiting “patiently” for my solutions to be ready, Ive started working on how I want my poster to look like for the presentation in August.
I will post more tomorrow or Wednesday with pictures of the end result of my solutions and whether or not metallic materials were created.
Edgar Aldama
Can’t wait to see the photos!