So here’s a recap of my last week in lab:
We ran the IC again, making a new calibration curve for sulfate and carbonate. Sulfate because the last curve was wack, and carbonate just to double check that our peaks are correct because it is usually a difficult ion to identify.
We were scheduled to use the SEM on Tuesday, but it was down. So we scheduled to use another SEM on Friday, and it was also down. Now, we have it scheduled for Thursday and are hoping that by then it is working.
In the meantime, I have been playing with the windowed cell set-up, but haven’t been able to collect any quantitative data on it yet because I STILL CAN’T FIGURE OUT HOW TO CONNECT THE COMPUTER TO THE SCALE. I also did another MD run at 1.5X. Over the weekend, I ran 1L of 1X solution through the system, just to see if it crashes around the same concentration. I also finalized and submitted my abstract for the colloquium at the end of next week!
I will be analyzing that data shortly (although it appears that it did in fact crash around 1.7-1.8X!!), along with the IC data from last week. This week, I’m going to focus on processing the last few pieces of data that I need to complete my poster. Can’t wait.