I have to say, those final weeks blew by with unbelievable speed.
Although I did not really get the data that I hoped from my project, I’ve tried not one but two things that aren’t so effective as far as selective ion removal goes. In any case, I think that it is good information to have. We did have surprisingly competitive results in other performance aspects of our experimental design, as I have presented to my lab group and at the Smalley Curl Institute symposium.
But right now, I’d like to take a minute and express my gratitude to NEWT Center, Rice University, our collaborators at Arizona State University, the University of Texas at El Paso, and to Yale University, our wonderful program leads Dr. Loyo and Dr. Owens, my lab hosts Dr. Qilin Li and Dr. Rafael Verduzco, and to their lab groups at Keck Hall.
Very special thanks go out to my summer mentors Jun Kim and Amit Jain, for taking me on and working with me very closely, ensuring that I had the opportunity to learn as much as I did.
I would challenge anyone who states that I could gain what I did from this internship somewhere else. An incredible program, and more importantly, incredible individuals. It’s a sad parting in a way, but my work here at Rice has made me even more excited to continue on towards my career, whatever it might be.
It has been a very special experience. And with that, it’s a wrap!
-Daniel S. Caña
Thank you, Daniel! You know where to find us at the R-STEM office if you want to talk to us in the future.