I am in Tempe this week to visit the 3 REUs at ASU and I just realized that I never posted about my trip to El Paso.
It was great to visit with Brian, Fernando and Jesus and see what they’ve been up to this summer. We also had some great food; best ramen in El Paso at Kaedama–sorry I made you walk there, guys! And there was the always reliable Crave.
We also had our first NEWT REU alumni reunion, where our previous years REUs came back to hang out with the current cohort and NEWT graduate students and faculty.
As usual, I did not take many pictures, but I did remember to bring the camera (ok, the phone) out during our field trip to TecH2O and the Kay Bailey Hutchison Desalination Plant.

REUs and RETs learning about El Paso water sources. From left: Sheri (RET), Jesus (REU), Fernando (REU), Brian (REU), Frank (RET) and Frank (RET)
I always enjoy visiting El Paso, the people, the food, and UTEP campus are amazing! And I was able to walk around town in the mornings when it was still cool. Oh, and I got to ride the new streetcar for free. Check them out! The city restored 6 streetcars and made them look like they did in the 1950s, 60s and 70s.