At the beginning of the month, I spent two days at Rice University for the NEWT REU summer program orientation. Although I’ve lived near Houston for 13 years, this was my first time on the gorgeous Rice campus and I can’t wait to spend the summer here! On Thursday, we started with introduction presentations and were joined by students in NEWT at ASU and UTEP and visitors from NKU. We learned a little about each other and the lab projects we will be working on this summer.

I shared these presentation slides about myself and my lab during introductions.
Over the two-day orientation, we discussed the mindset to enter research, practiced reading academic literature, analyzed scientific papers, and prepared to meet our lab mentors. We also got to channel our competitive spirits into a marshmallow tower challenge!

This was my team’s completed structure!
Overall, it was a great first experience at Rice and excited me for the ten weeks to follow!
Happy to have you at Rice, Hannah, thank you for posting!