Last Friday was the last day of the 2023 NEWT REU program. It was great to see everyone together again, and the finished posters. I was impressed with everyone’s participation and the teamwork displayed by this cohort! I am convinced we should have more programs like this, with engineering and social work students working together, and involving NGOs working in water issues. This was overall a great learning experience for me, and I hope that it was for the students too.
Thank you to Drs. Silvia Chavez-Baray and Eva Deemer at UTEP for being great mentors and colleagues. And a big thank you to Allie Alvarez and Aaron Krupp in Caminos de Agua and Maria Covernali with Familias Triunfadoras for sharing their passion, expertise and introducing us to interesting water challenges.
And thank you to Liz Scroggins, as always, for her support and encouragement!

Anabel Theriault, UTEP, Social Work

The social work team (UTEP): Lisette Gonzalez, Anabel Theriault, and Juan Castorena.

Patricia Aguirre, UTEP, Civil Engineering

Jorge Alvidrez, UTEP, Biochemistry

Leanh Nguyen, Rice, Civil Engineering

The arsenic measurement team: Jorge, Patricia, Leanh and Naomi.

The Hueco Tanks team: Anabel, Lisette, Juan, Jorge, Patricia, Leanh and Naomi.

The whole team: Jorge A, Juan, Naomi, Lisette, Leanh, Jorge L, Anabel, Dr. Silvia Chavez, Patricia, and Dr. Eva Deemer.

Overview of the poster session