Hello everyone,
The SCI Colloquium was such a cool new experience. I enjoyed my last trip to Houston SO much, and was very proud of the poster I made for the presentation. Reconnecting in person with my fellow REU’s and even getting to briefly meet Mr. Curl himself (a couple of us were totally geeking out when we first saw him) was an experience I’ll never forget. I made so many great new friends and colleagues during such a short summer experience, and I hope these connections last a lifetime. Also, as someone who aspires to be a researcher in the future, I feel that the knowledge I gained was invaluable and I would definitely do it over again if I had the chance. This experience has encouraged me to consider doing more work in the field of nanotechnology (and engineering in general) when I get to grad school.
I want to thank my mentor, Ana Barrios, for being such a sweet young woman and patient teacher. I’d like to thank my advisor, Dr. Perreault for letting me work in his lab and being willing to spend so much time with me, planning experiments and lending me his expertise. Thanks to every last one of those in my lab and grad student office for their help and friendship, and to Dr. Loyo for his help and reliability whenever I had a question or concern about any aspect of the NEWT REU program. Thanks to NEWT and NSF for this opportunity. I hope to work with you again one day!
Best wishes to you all,
Skyler Henry