The second week of our REU has come and gone. I spent this week doing a bunch of different things. For the first part of the week I learned the application side of atmospheric water capture and Justin showed me the data he collects and the how, what and why. The three machines that capture water from the air.
There is a beautiful view from the roof(if you can ignore that it was 43 out.)
While waiting for the dehumidifiers to capture water I helped with a different project in the lab, using uv-c light to prevent biofouling.
Next I started the material synthesis by adhering APTES to the SiO_2 in the dehumidifiers wheel. If the APTES “stuck” the next step is to attach the carbon black nano particles to the APTES.
We boiling ethanol to “cook” The APTES on to dehumidifier wheel fragments.
Wow. That is awesome.